Throughout the year the HCA host a series of conferences throughout the year with guest speakers delivering on a range of topics and content. Speakers and Organisations in 2023-2024 included Tom Sherrington, Wayne Harris, Mary Myatt and Inner Drive.
As a welcome back to the new term for our partner schools we were delighted to welcome Sarah-Jayne Blakemore (FRS FBA FMedSci FRSB CPsychol) who is Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge and co-director of the Wellcome Trust PhD Programme Neuroscience at University College London. She delivered the keynote lecture on The Adolescent Brain and Mental Health.
This was followed by a short business meeting with our steering group reps on a round up of 2023-2024 and all that is to come in 2025.
A Thursday evening to Friday afternoon Residential in November.
Designed with the Headteachers attending.
A Wednesday evening to Friday afternoon Residential in June.
Designed with the Headteachers attending.